Here 329 CID reports from 1996 to 2005 are listed,
in principle the later the higher number and higher in the list.
CID-329 |
Sundblad, Yngve: Centre for user-oriented IT Design - Final
Report on the 10 years 1995-2005 (1.0 MB),
CID Technical Report December 2005. .
CID-328 |
Westerlund, Bo: Stuck in a material -
or why design research about design processes can be useful. (256 kB),
Proceedings of ERA-05 Joining forces conference, Helsinki September 2005.
CID-327 |
Westerlund, Bo, Lindquist, Sinna: Reality based video-prototyping.
Video published in the proceedings of ECSCW'05 in Paris.,September 2005.
(QuickTime movie, 27MB !,
opens in a new window with short description.)
CID-326 |
Westerlund, B., Lindquist, S., Sundblad, Y. :
interLiving; a multi-disciplinary
cooperative design approach. In CHI 2004 Workshop on Exploring the Relationship
between Design and HCI, ACM, Vienna, April 2004., 3pp.
CID-325 |
Räsänen, Minna, Thuresson, Björn & Wiberg, Anders:
Samhörighet på distans, slutrapport från ett forskningsprojekt om
videomedierad kommunikation på en distribuerad arbetsplats (1.9MB),
Technical report CID/KTH, Stockholm, September 2005, 38 pp.
CID-324 |
Sundblad, Yngve (editor):
Three-year report on the SSF-funded programme DAPHNE:
Digital And PHysical interaction and Experience (832kB),
Technical report CID/KTH - ICELab/SICS, Stockholm, October 2005, 25 pp.
CID-323 |
Sandor, Ovidiu, Bogdan, Cristian & Groth, Kristina:
Cooperative Learning through ICT: the Case of the Swedish Teachers Abroad,
Proceedings of EISTA 2005, 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems:
Technologies and Applications, Orlando, Florida, July 2005
CID-322 |
Thorén, Claes, Walldius, Åke & Sundblad, Yngve:
Utredning av möjligheten att föra in användbarhetskrav i Statskontorets ramavtal (968kB),
Technical report Statskontoret-CID, December 2005, 19 pp.
CID-321 |
Walldius, Åke, Sundblad, Yngve & Borning, Alan:
A First Analysis of the UsersAward Programme from a
Value Sensitive Design Perspective,
Proceedings of the Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference - Critical Computing, Aarhus August 2005, 4 pp.
CID-320 |
Groth, Kicki, Bogdan, Cristian, Sandor, Ovidiu, Räsänen, Minna, Lindquist, Sinna & Lidskog T.:
Creating a Space for Increased Community Feeling among Geographically distributed Teachers,
Proceedings of the Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference - Critical Computing, Aarhus August 2005, 4 pp.
CID-319 |
Baillie, Lynn, Philips, A., Roberts, Joi, Lindquist, Sinna & Sandor, Ovidiu:
Come on Split! Tell us what you think!,
Proceedings of the Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference - Critical Computing, Aarhus August 2005, 4 pp.
CID-318 |
Nordström, Jesper:
Running Man - An interactive installation and exploratory study of the aesthetic experience in interactive systems,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05184. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-317 |
Björklund, Christoffer:
Arkitektur och användargränssnitt hos ögonstyrda tillämpningar ,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05179. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-316 |
Ayata, Ibrahim:
Kommunikation mellan mobiltelefoner och noder i IP-baserade nätverk,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05162. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-315 |
Hammarberg, Anna:
Videoconference in the field -- a user oriented development of a video communication tool for field use,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05155. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-314 |
Jönsson, Erika:
If Looks could kill - An evaqluation of Eye Tracking in Computer Games,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05125. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-313 |
Broms, Love:
Awareness Aspects of the Remote Home ,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05122. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-312 |
Nyman, Pontus:
Distribuerat 3d-ljud i virtuella miljöer -- realistisk ljudsättning av avatarer,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05111. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-311 |
Pär Bäckström:
Minnesspår och virtuella världar,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05100. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-310 |
Walldius, Åke & Sundblad, Yngve (editors):
Proceedings of the UITQ 2005 workshop - User-driven IT Design and Quality Assurance,
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0501, KTH, Stockholm, May 2005.
CID-309 |
Westerlund, Bo:
Design space conceptual tool – grasping the design process, Published in Proceedings for ‘In the Making’,
Nordes, the Nordic Design Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2005
CID-308 |
Räsänen, Minna & Lindquist, Sinna:
Och du ska göra lite etno – Gestaltningar av etnografi inom MDI (186 kB),
Nationell forskarkonferens för kulturstudier, Linköpings universitet Norrköping Campus, maj 2005 |
CID-307 |
Lindqvist Sinna:
The researcher’s role at stake – The meeting between the objective researcher and the subjective individual,
Teori möter verklighet - genusvetenskaplig konferens maj 2005,
Malmö högskola, Konst kultur och kommunikation (K3), Malmö.
CID-306 |
Sjödin, Michaela:
Ökad tillgänglighet genom testmetoder i MDI -- En användarstudie av plattformen Alfa,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05089. Masters Thesis, Stockholm University, 2005.
CID-305 |
Andersson, Ylva:
D-bio -- standard eller undantag? Om digitala bions utveckling i Sverige,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05076. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-304 |
Linered, Ingela:
Intervju som metod vid utveckling av IT-produkter för barn med hörselskador,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05065. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-303 |
Humble, Jan:
Platform for Rapid prototyping of Computer Vision and Interaction ,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05016. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-302 |
Roitto, Christina:
A user-friendly interface for messages displayed on the TV screen,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E05006. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2005.
CID-301 |
Taxén, Gustav & Frécon, Emanuel:
The Extended Museum Visit: Documenting and Exhibiting Post-visit Learning Experiences,
In J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2005: Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics. April 2005, Vancouver, Canada.
CID-300 |
Taxén, Gustav:
Participatory Design in Museums - Visitor-oriented
Perspectives on Exhibition Design (PDF, 17.8MB),
Ph.D. thesis in human-computer interaction. TRITA-NA-0516, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH, Stockholm, May 2005.
CID-299 |
Paulsson, Fredrik & Naeve, Ambjörn:
VWE: a framework for modularized Virtual Learning Environments - Applying the Learning Object Concept to the VLE,
ProLearn-iClass Thematic Workshop, Learning Objects in Context, Leuven, Belgium. March 2005.
CID-298 |
Gansved, Therese:
Interaktiv informationsskylt för synskadade,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E04139. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2004.
CID-297 |
Francke, Elin:
Metoder för produktutveckling när användarna har dyslexi,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E04137. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2004.
CID-296 |
Elmehed, Niklas:
Sånger från spam - ett vetenskapligt konstprojekt,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E04131. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2004.
CID-295 |
Dahlberg, Evguenia:
Sfär. Närvaroupplevelse i virtuella världar,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E04052. Masters Thesis, Stockholm University, 2004.
CID-294 |
Rydberg, Claes-Johan:
Utvärdering av kommunikationsprotokoll för InterLiving-projektet,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E04048. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2004.
CID-293 |
Widén, Jacob:
Analys av stöd i en metadata editor för Resource Description Framework,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E04031. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2004.
CID-292 |
Man, Silvia:
Innovativ design - form och karaktär på mötessystem på distans,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E04028. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2004.
CID-291 |
Moum, Åsa:
Once upon a time - interactive storytelling in a context dependent mobile game,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E04015. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2004.
CID-290 |
Axelsson, Maria:
Framgångsfaktorer vid produktutveckling - Hur är lyckade webplatser utvecklade?,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E04012. Masters Thesis, Stockholm University, 2004.
CID-289 |
Augustsson, Fredrik & Sandberg, Åke:
Interactive Media in Swedish Organisations - In-house Production and Purchase of Internet and Multimedia Solutions in Swedish Firms and Government Agencies, Report KTH & National Institute of Health ALI 2004:9
CID-288 |
Söderberg, Johan:
Att bygga byggnadedn - Förändringar av konstruktionsprocessen genom nya tillämpningar av IT,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E03157. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2003.
CID-287 |
Fridman, Therese:
Videokonferenser som alternativa mötesplatser,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E03147. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2003.
CID-286 |
Amandusson Sarah:
Auditory display and the VTK sonification toolkit,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E03144. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2003.
CID-285 |
Råsten, Jennifer:
Internet Café in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E03097. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2003.
CID-284 |
Torres, Guillermo:
Research and applications of services in GPRS technology in the interLiving project,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E02088. Masters Thesis, Stockholm University, 2002.
CID-283 |
Kjölberg, Jin:
Känselgränssnitt i virtuella samarbetsapplikationer,
Technical report TRITA-NA-E02007. Masters Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2002.
CID-282 |
Fraser, M., Bowers, J., Brundell, P., O'Malley, C., Reeves, S., Benford, S.,
Ciolfi, L., Ferris, K., Gallagher, P., Hall, T., Bannon, L., Taxén, G., and
Hellström, S-O. Re-tracing the Past: Mixing Realities in Museum
Settings. In Proceedings of the First ACM Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE 2004), ACM Press, April 2004. |
CID-281 |
Sundblad, Y., Winberg, F., Lantz, A., Westerlund, B.:
User Centred Interaction Design: a multidisciplinary project course. In CHI 2004 Workshop
on Exploring the Relationship between Design and HCI, ACM, Vienna, April 2004. |
CID-280 |
Winberg, F. & Bowers, J.
Assembling the Senses: Towards the Design of Cooperative Interfaces for Visually Impaired Users (PDF, 548kB). In proceedings of
CSCW November 2004, 10 pp. |
CID-279 |
Naeve, A. & Nilsson, M. & Palmér,
M. & Paulsson, F.,
to a Public e-Learning Platform – Infrastructure, Architecture,
Frameworks and Tools, to be published in the International Journal
of Learning Technology, October 2004, |
Nilsson, M. & Naeve,
A. & Palmér, M., The
Edutella P2P Network - Supporting Democratic E-Learning and Communities
of Practice, in McGreal, R. (ed.), Online Education Using Learning
Objects, Routledge-Falmer, New York, 2004, ISBN 0-415-33512-4
Melander, O., Att bygga
lärobjektstruktur med hjälp av resursarkiv – en
fallstudie i matematik (Building learning object structure from
resource archives – a case study within the field of mathematics),
Masters thesis report, September 2004, CID/NADA/KTH.
Enlund, L., Wahlin, J., Matematikprojekt
för UR-barn, en studie hur man kan stödja matematiska
lärprocesser med hjälp av datorn, Masters thesis report,
September 2004, CID/NADA/KTH
CID-275 |
Predonescu, I., Bookmarks and Content
in a Concept Browser,
Masters thesis report, September 2004, CID/NADA/KTH.
Sjöberg, P., Translating
Masters thesis report, August 2004, CID/NADA/KTH.
CID-273 |
Naeve, A. & Nilsson,
M., ICT-enhanced
Mathematics Education within the Framework of a Knowledge Manifold,
Proceeedings of the 10th International Congress of Mathematics Education
(ICME), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 4-11, 2004
CID-272 |
Sinna Lindqvist, Bo Westerlund.(2004)
Artefacts for understanding (pdf 784kb) in Working Papers in Art and Design, Vol 3. ISSN 1456-4917. |
CID-271 |
Nilsson, M., Naeve, A., On
designing a global infrastructure for content sharing in mathematics
education, Proceedings of the 10:th International Congress on
Mathematics Education (ICME), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 4-11, 2004 |
CID-269 |
Palmér, M. &
Naeve, A. & Paulsson, F., The
SCAM-framework – helping applications to store and access
metadata on the semantic web, Proceedings of the First European
Semantic Web Symposium (ESWC 2004), Heraklion, Greece, May, 2004,
Springer, ISBN 3-540-21999-4
CID-268 |
Walldius, Åke, Use stories as
a way to turn pattern sequences into small, practical languages, Proc. HCHI Patterns workshop, CHI 2004 Conference,Vienna, April
25-29 2004.
CID-267 |
Pamucki, A., Outer Join in Edutella,
Masters thesis report, March 2004, CID/NADA/KTH.
CID-266 |
Fraser M., Stanton, D., Ng, K. H.,
Benford, S., O'Malley, C., Bowers,
J., Taxén, G., Ferris, K., Hindmarsh, J. Assembling History:
Achieving Coherent Experiences with Diverse Technologies. Proceedings
of ECSCW 2003, September 14-18 2003, 179-198.
CID-265 |
Walldius, Åke:
Patterns can bring
in knowledgeable users into the software development cycle, Position
paper, Pattern Language workshop, InterAct 2004 Conference, Zürich,
September 1-5 2003. |
CID-264 |
Castellanos, G., Dynamic Construction
of context-maps for Netscape’s Open Directory Project, Masters
thesis report, May 2003, CID/NADA/KTH.
CID-263 |
Hedman A & Bäckström
P “
Rediscovering the Art of Memory in Computer Based Learning—An
Example Application” In Proc. of E-Learn 2003 World Conference
on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher
Education, Phoenix, US, November 2003, pp. 1024-1031.
CID-262 |
Palmér M, Naeve A & Nilsson M.
Presenting and Navigating Styled RDF using Context-maps. (Pdf, 376kB)
CID 2003, 16 pp.
CID-261 |
Hedman A ”
Visitor-Oriented Design—Three
Studies of Visitor Accommodation and a Call for Action”, International
Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 15(1), 105-120, (2003) Lawrence
Earlbaum Associates, Inc.
CID-260 |
Tove Åström:
Kvinnliga och manliga telefoner?
Master’s Thesis in Human Computer Interaction Umeå universitet,
VT-2003 |
CID-259 |
Sallnäs E L & Hedman “
Exploring Communicative Modes for a Virtual Environment: A Social
Psychological Analysis” (PDF, 352kB). Report TRITA-NA-0107, NADA, Dept.
of Computer Science March 2001. |
CID-258 |
Gustav Taxén. Introducing
Participatory Design in Musuems. (Pdf, 391kB)
Proceedings of the 8th Biennal Participatory Design Conference,
27-31 2004, Toronto, Canada, 204-213.
CID-257 |
Gustav Taxén, John Bowers, Sten-Olof Hellström,
and Helena Tobiasson, Designing Mixed Media
Artefacts for Public Settings (Pdf, 3.7MB)
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Design of
Cooperative Systems, May 11-14 2004, Hyères, France |
CID-256 |
Jenny-Li Örsell, Manusverktyg
för interaktiva produktioner (Pdf, 1.62MB)
Master’s Thesis in Human Computer Interaction
TRITA-NA-E03159, CID, Stockholm 2003 |
CID-255 |
Kerstin Severinson Eklundh, Kristina Groth, Anders
Hedman, Ann Lantz, Henrry Rodriguez, Eva-Lotta Sallnäs, The
World Wide Web as a social infrastructure for knowledge-oriented
work. Technical report, TRITA-NA-D0107, CID 2001, In H. van Oostendorp (editor), Cognition in a Digital World, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003.
CID-254 |
Sara Ilstedt-Hjelm, Sinna Lindquist, Lotten Wiklund,
Carolina Browall, Joakim Persson, Amöba
– formlös och könlös, Ett projekt om genus
och teknik (Pdf, 10MB) Teknisk rapport ,TRITA-NA-D0403, CID,
Stockholm, Augusti 2004 |
CID-253 |
Sandberg, Å. & Augustsson F. Work and organization within interactive media in Sweden, In Work with Computing
Systems Conference 2004, H.M Khalid, M.G. Helander &A.W. Yeo (Eds.), Kuala Lumpur:
Damai Sciences (proceedings from WWCS2004, Kuala Lumpur June 29-July2,
2004) |
CID-250 |
Sara Ilstedt Hjelm, Making Sense
Doctoral Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Department
of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, Stockholm, March 2004 |
CID-249 |
Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro Reconsidering the avatars:
From user mirror to interaction locus. Doctoral Dissertation, Royal
Institute of Technology, Department of Numerical Analysis and Computer
Science, Stockholm, March 2004 |
CID-248 |
Gullström-Hughes, C., Erixon, M., Lenman, S., Räsänen, M., Thuresson, B.,
Westerlund, B., & Wiberg, A. Samhörighet på distans. Rapport från fas I, 2:a september 2002 – 15:e januari 2003, CID, TRITA-NA-D0304 |
CID-247 |
Daniel Setterwall. Computerised
Video Analysis of Football –
Technical and Commercial Possibilities for Football Coaching
(Pdf, 462kB)
Master's Thesis in computer science, CID, NADA, Stockholm 2003 |
CID-246 |
Anders Hedman.
Visitor Orientation
in Context - The historically rooted production of soft places.
Abstract (PDF, 1.8MB).
Doctoral Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Department
of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, Stockholm, Januari 2004 |
CID-245 |
Gustav Taxén, Besökarorienterad
konceptgenerering för museiutställningar (Pdf, 241kB)
Teknisk rapport, Januari 2004 |
CID-244 |
Sara Ilstedt Hjelm., Brainball - The
true Story
Kapitel i bok: Friktion, om mötet mellan olikheter i IT-forskning
Raster förlag 2003 |
CID-243 |
Nilsson, M., Palmér, M., Brase,
J. The LOM RDF binding - principles
and implementation (Pdf, 448kB), Proceedings of the 3rd annual
ARIADNE conference, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, November
20-21, 2003 |
CID-242 |
Winberg, F. & Hellström, S.
O. Designing Accessible Auditory Drag
and Drop, (Pdf, 196kB) in Proceedings of the 2003 Conference
on Universal Usability, CUU2003. Vancouver, Kanada, November 10-11
2003 |
CID-241 |
Tobiasson, H. Hedman, A. Taxén, G. and
Bowers, J. Scaffolding Visitors Experience
of Technology. (Pdf, 441kB)
Proceedings of the 2003 CIDOC/ADIT Conference, September 1-5, St.
Petersburg, Russia
CID-240 |
Winberg, F., Thuresson, B., & Hellström,
S. O. A study of cross-modal collaboration
between blind and sighted users (Pdf, 82kB), in Supplement Proceedings
of the Eigth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative
Work, ECSCW 2003. Helsinki, Finland, September 2003, |
CID-239 |
Winberg, F. (2003) WYSIWIH
What You See Is What I Hear: Giving Blind Users Access to
Visual Collaboration (Pdf, 186kB), in Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2003. Boston,
July 6-9, 2003 |
CID-238 |
Blomqvist, U., Handberg, L. & Naeve,
A. New Methods for focusing on Students
Learning Process and Reflection in Higher Education (Pdf, 2,57MB).
Proceedings of the 28th IUT (Improving University Teaching) Conference.
Växjö, Sweden, June 16-19, 2003. |
CID-237 |
Nilsson, M., Naeve, A. On
Designing a Global Infrastructure for ICT-enhanced Mathematics Education
(Pdf, 452kB), Proceedings of the Nordic Pre-conference to the International
Congress on Mathematics Education (PICME 10), Växjö, Sweden,
May 9-11, 2003. |
CID-236 |
Sara Ilstedt Hjelm. The Dysfunctionality
of Everyday Things, paper, European Academy of Design i Barcelona
April 2003 |
Sara Ilstedt Hjelm, The
Making of Brainball (Pdf, 114kB)
Interactions, volume X.1, Sid 26-34 Jan/feb 2003 |
CID-232 |
Karin Darin. Players
on the interactive media market - A discussion of social exclusion
and inclusion among interactive media firms (Pdf, 384kB)
CID, Stockholm, December 2003 |
CID-231 |
interLiving Deliverable 1.3 & 2.3, Studies of
Co-designed Prototypes in Family Context, (2004), Yngve Sundblad,
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Stéphane Conversy, Lo¦c Dachary,
Björn Eiderbäck, Helen Evans, Nicolas Gaudron, Heiko Hansen,
Hilary Hutchinson, Sinna Lindquist, Wendy Mackay, Catherine Plaisant,
Nicolas Roussel, Bosse Westerlund. |
CID-230 |
Tarassov, V., & Paulsson, F. (2004). Development
of a standard for
representation of cases generalization of case-based learning
learning technology system (Pdf, 207kB)
To be published in F. Buchberger & K. Enser (Eds.), @ - Learning
Higher Education II. Linz: Universitätsverlag.
CID-229 |
Gustav Taxén, Towards
Living Exhibitions (Pdf, 1,57Mb)
Licentiate Thesis TRITA-NA-0311, KTH, NADA, CID, May 2003 |
CID-228 |
Taxén, G., Hellström, S.-O., Tobiasson,
H., Back, M., Bowers, J.
The Well of Inventions - Learning,
Interaction and Participatory Design in Museum Installations.
(Pdf, 6.5MB)
Proceedings of the Seventh International Cultural Heritage Informatics
Meeting, Ecole du Louvre, Paris, 8-12 Sept, 2003. CD-ROM Proceedings.
CID-227 |
Bo Westerlund, Sinna Lindqvist, Yngve Sundblad.
Co-designing with and for families, (2003)(pdf, 700kB) In proceedings
for the conference Good | Bad | Irrelevant , COST269: User aspects
of ICTs, in Helsinki 3-5 September 2003. pp |
CID-226 |
Ann Rosén, Yngve Sundblad, Sven Johansson,
Peter Santesson, Sten-Olof Hellström, Gustav Taxén Redovisning
av projektinitiering och förstudie. Tyst ljudskulptur - Konstnärsdriven
forskning (Pdf, 2.07MB)
Teknisk rapport, TRITA-NA-D0303, CID, Stockholm, August 2003
CID-225 |
Gustav Taxén. Teaching
Computer Graphics Constructively. (Pdf,500kB)
In DVD-ROM. Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Educators Program.
CID-224 |
Marie Andersson, Kristina Still. Mötesprocessen
i distribuerade formella möten
vilka problem finns vid videomedierad kommunikation (Pdf,815kB)
Master's Thesis, CID, Stockholm, January 2003
CID-223 |
Spiros Tsiroyannis. Ett
naturligt stöd för navigering i virtuella omgivningar:
identifierbarhet och memorerbarhet av landmärken och riktningar.
(Pdf, 6.7MB)
Master's Thesis, TRITA-NA-E03045, CID, Stockholm, March 2003
CID-222 |
Charlie Gullström-Hughes, Mats Erixon, Sören
Lenman, Minna Räsänen,
Björn Thuresson, Bo Westerlund, Anders Wiberg. Samhörighet
på distans,
(Pdf,7.1MB)Rapport från fas I, TRITA-NA-D0302, CID, Stockholm,
January 2003
CID-221 |
Åke Walldius (CID), Yngve Sundblad (CID),
Torbjörn Lind (LO, The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, and
UsersAward AB) A User-driven Workplace
Software Certification Process (Pdf, 105kB)
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0301, CID, Stockholm, March 2003
CID-218 |
Westerlund, Bo, Lindqvist, Sinna, Mackay,
Wendy, Sundblad, Yngve.
Co-designing methods for designing
with and for families. (2003) (Pdf, 1.36MB) To appear in proceedings
for 5th European Academy of Design Conference
in Barcelona, 28, 29 & 30 April 2003
CID-217 |
Hutchinson, Mackay, Westerlund, Bederson,
Druin, Plaisant, Beaudouin-Lafon, Conversy, Evans, Hansen, Roussel,
Eiderbäck, Lindquist, Sundblad.
Technology Probes: Inspiring Design for and with Families, (2003)
To appear in the ACM CHI 2003 Proceedings
CID-216 |
Henrik Eriksson. Query
Management For The Semantic Web
Master's Thesis in computer science, Uppsala University, Feb 2003
(Pdf, 515kB)
CID-215 |
Jenny Gustafsson. Videokonferenser
som alternativa mötesplatser: en utvärdering av gränssnitt
och funktionalitet (Pdf, 496kB)
Examensarbete inom området människa-datorinteraktion
Feb 2003
CID-214 |
Paulsson, F., Naeve, A. (2003), Standardized
Content Archive Management
SCAM (Pdf, 239kB) IEEE Learning Technology newsletter (ISSN1438-0625),
Vol 5, Issue 1, pp 40-42, Jan 2003.
CID-213 |
Gustav Taxén and Ambjörn
Naeve. A system for exploring open issues in
VR-based education. Computers & Graphics, No. 26, 2002, 593-598.
Abstract (Pdf, 11kB)
CID-212 |
Anders Hedman. A
Media Rich Interface vs A Simple Interface for Interactive Television
(Pdf, 258kB) In proc of E-Learn 2002 World Conference on E-Learning
in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, Montreal,
Canada November 2002 pp420-425.
CID-211 |
Lantz, A. & Cerratto Pargman, T.
(2002). Would you accept being
disturbed eleven times during a one-hour meeting? In Proceedings
APCHI02, Beijing, China.
CID-210 |
Cerratto Pargman, T. & Lantz, A.
(2002). The role of genre in the
analysis of the use of videoconference systems in working
environments. In Proceedings of NordiCHI2002, Århus, Denmark.
CID-209 |
Lenman, S., Bretzner, L. & Thuresson,
B. Using Marking Menus to
Develop Command Sets for Computer Vision Based Hand Gesture Interfaces.
(Pdf, 1.54MB)
Proceedings of the Second Nordic Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction, pp. 239-242. Aarhus, Denmark 2002
CID-208 |
Anders Hedman, Pär Bäckström. Gustav Taxén.
Learning and Engagement in a 3D Environment
- Teaching Philosophy through the Art of Memory (Pdf, 424kB)
In Proceedings of The 1st International Workshop On 3d Virtual Heritage,
Geneva, Switzerland, October 2002
CID-207 |
Ambjörn Naeve, Claus Knudsen,
Mikael Nilsson, Matthias Palmér, Fredrik
Paulsson, Anna Petersson, Eva Müller, Daniel Pargman, Ulf Blomqvist.
En publik e-lärandeplattform
byggd på kunskapsmångfalder, öppen källkod
och öppna IT-standarder (Pdf, 9.6MB)
Rapport till Nätuniversitetet (som en del av deras förstudie
till en nationell IT-portal för lärande), Nov 2002
CID-206 |
Claus Knudsen. Video
Mediated Communication - producing a sense of presence between individuals
in shared virtual reality (Pdf, 312kB)
Proc. of the International Symposium on Educational Conferencing
2002), May 31 - June 1, 2002
CID-205 |
Wolfgang Nejdl, Boris Wolf, Changtao
Qu, Stefan Decker, Michael Sintek,
Ambjörn Naeve, Mikael Nilsson, Matthias Palmér, Tore
Risch. Edutella: A P2P Networking Infrastructure
Based on RDF (Pdf, 398kB)
Proceedings of the 11th World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), Hawaii,
USA, May 2002.
CID-204 |
Mikael Nilsson, Matthias Palmér,
Ambjörn Naeve. Semantic Web Meta-data
for e-Learning - Some Architectural Guidelines (Pdf, 199kB)
Proceedings of the 11th World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), Hawaii,
USA, May 2002.
CID-203 |
Hourcade, J.P., Bederson, B.B., Druin,
A., Taxen, G. KidPad:
Collaborative Storytelling for Children. ACM 2002 Extended Abstracts
on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '02), Minneapolis, April
20-25 2002, 500-501.(Pdf, 314kB)
Frida Nilsson, Helena Deric. Virtuella
miljöer som alternativa mötesplatser (Pdf, 649kB)
Master thesis, CID, Stockholm November 2002
CID-201 |
Mikael Nilsson. Geometric
Algebra with Conzilla - Building a Conceptual Web of Mathematics
(Pdf, 1016kB)
Master Thesis in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, KTH, Stockholm
Feb 2002.
CID-200 |
Scott Wilson, Mikael Nilsson. The
Next Wave: CETIS interviews Mikael Nilsson about the Edutella project
(Pdf, 139kB)
Feature article, Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability
Standards (CETIS) Sept 2001.
CID-199 |
Mikael Nilsson. The
Edutella P2P Network - Supporting Democratic E-learning and Communities
of Practice
In McGreal, R. (ed.) Accessible education using learning objects,
to be
CID-198 |
Donald Broady."Digitala arkiv och portföljer",
pp. 11-16 i IT i skolan - mirakelmedicin eller sockerpiller? Rapport
Stockholm: IT-kommissionen, 2001.
CID-197 |
Cecilia Torngren.Medborgarterminalernas
Tillgänglighet (442. kB)
Master thesis, Stockholms Universitet, Institutionen för Data
och Systemvetenskap
CID, Stockholm November 2002
CID-196 |
Cristian Bogdan, IT
Design for Amateur Communities (Pdf, 17,6MB) Abstract (Pdf,
32kB) Doctoral Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Department
of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, Stockholm January 2003
CID-195 |
John Bowers, Improvising
Machines Ethnographically Informed Design For Improvised Electro-Acoustic
Music (Pdf, 1,1MB)
Submitted for examination for the degree of Masters in Music by
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK 2002
CID-194 |
Jonas Lundberg, Aseel Ibrahim, David Jönsson,
Sinna Lindquist, Pernilla Qvarfordt The
Snatcher Catcher - an interactive refrigerator (Pdf, 108kB)
proceedings of the NordiCHI 2002, Aarhus, Denmark October 2002
CID-193 |
Sören Lenman, Minna Räsänen, Björn
Thuresson, A User-Orinted Approach
to Building a Video Community in a Distributed Workplace (Pdf,
PDC 02 Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, Report
on Work in Progress, Malmö, Sweden, 23-25 June 2002
CID-192 |
Susanna Hedbring , Mobile Messaging
Usability Social and Pragmatic Aspects (Pdf, 504kB)
Master thesis, CID, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm April
CID-191 |
Johan Eliasson, Användbarhet
hos Usor Utvärdering och förändring av en webbaserad
metodsamling för användarorienterad programutveckling
(Pdf, 571kB)
Master thesis, Linköpings Tekniska Högskola, Stockholm
August 2002.
CID-190 |
Gunhild Arvidsson, Videomedierade
möten en analys av situationen och kommunikationen (Pdf,
Master thesis, Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm June 2002.
CID-189 |
Mikael Lindkvist, A
State Sharing Toolkit for Interactive Applications (Pdf, 358Kb)
Master thesis, Uppsala Universitet, Stockholm April 2002.
CID-188 |
Sara Ilstedt Hjelm, Designing the
invisible computer - from radio-clock to screenfridge (Pdf,
Accepted for presentation at NIC 2001. Copenhagen Oktober 2001.
CID-187 |
Alexander Piatidis, Användbarhetsstämpel
på konsumentprodukter - Ett sätt att underlätta
kundernas köp och påverka företagens arbetssätt
(Pdf, 285kB)
Technical report TRITA-NA-E02001. Master thesis, Royal Institute
of Technology, Stockholm January 2002.
CID-186 |
Jon Hindmarsh and Christian Heath, Dirk vom Lehn, Luigina Ciolfi,
Tony Hall, Liam Bannon, Katie Best, Jenny Hall, Interaction
as a Public Phenomenon
(Pdf, 1,3Mb)
SHAPE IST 2000-26069 Workpackage 2 Deliverable D 2.1.
Stockholm December 2001
CID-185 |
Steve Benford, Mike Fraser, Boriana Koleva, John Bowers, Paul
Chandler, Luigina Ciolfi, Chris Greenhalgh, Tony Hall, Sten-Olof
Hellström, Shahram Izadi, Ian Taylor, Liam Bannon, Holger Schnädelbach,
Martin Flintham, Malcolm Foster, Gustav Taxén, Hybrid
physical-digital artefacts (Pdf, 2,65Mb)
SHAPE IST 2000-26069 Workpackage1 Deliverable D1.1.
Stockholm December 2001
CID-184 |
Niklas Becker, Multimodal
Interface For mobile clients Multimodalt gränssnitt För
mobil klient (Pdf, 2,29Mb)
Technical report TRITA-NA-E01102. Master thesis, Royal Institute
of Technology, Stockholm December 2001.
CID-183 |
Liam Bannon, John Bowers, Christian Heath, Dirk vom Lehn, Jon
Hindmarsh, Paul Luff, Gustav Taxén and Sten Olof Hellström,
Steve Benford, Mike Fraser, Boriana Koleva, Holger Schnädelbach,
Martin Flintham, Chris Greenhalgh, Ian Taylor and Claire O´Malley,
Luigina Ciolfi, Mikael Fernström, Report
from the start-up workshops (Pdf, 4,69Mb)
SHAPE IST 2000-26069 Workpackage 4 Deliverable D 4.1.
Stockholm March 2001
CID-182 |
Bernd Lintermann, Jeffrey Shaw, Heike Staff, Ian Taylor, Jason
Morphett, John Bowers, Alex Butterworth, Mixed
Reality Group Interaction (Pdf, 7.2MB)
eRENA ESPRIT Project 25379 Workpackage 7 Deliverable D7b.4.
Stockholm August 2000
CID-181 |
Jeffrey Shaw, Heike Staff, Ju Row Farr, Matt Adams, Dirk vom
Lehm, Christian Heath, Marie-Louise Rinman, Ian Taylor, Steve Benford,
Staged Mixed Reality Performance "Desert
Rain" by Blast Theory (Pdf, 26MB)
eRENA ESPRIT Project 25379 Workpackage 7 Deliverable D7b.3.
Stockholm August 2000
CID-180 |
Ramon Gonzales-Arroyo, Heike Staff, John Bowers. A Series of
Three Mixed Reality Workshops: Sounding
Out Ð Sound in Mixed Reality Environment
(Pdf, 1,21MB)
eRENA ESPRIT Project 25379 Workpackage 7 Deliverable D7b. 1-2.
Stockholm August 2000
CID-179 |
John Bowers, Boriana Koleva, Holger Schnadelbach, Steve Benford,
Chris Greenhalgh, Sten-Olof Hellström, Michael Hoch, Tessellating
Boundaries for Mixed Realities (Pdf, 34MB)
eRENA ESPRIT Project 25379 Workpackage 6 Deliverable D6.4.
Stockholm August 2000
CID-178 |
John Bowers, Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, Sten-Olof Hellström,
Bernd Lintermann, Michael Hoch, Adam Drozd, Ian Taylor, Greg Whitfield
Production and Management of Events
in Electronic Arenas (Pdf, 28MB)
eRENA ESPRIT Project 25379 Workpackage 4 Deliverable D4.5.
Stockholm August 2000
CID-177 |
Åke Walldius and Yngve Sundblad: User-driven
software quality labelling
(Pdf, 164kB)
Proc. DIAC 2002 Conference, Seattle, May 16-19, 2002, 4 pages
CID-176 |
Yngve Sundblad, Torbjörn Lind and Jan Rudling,
IT product requirements and certification
from the users perspective (Pdf, 180kB)
Proc. WWDU 2002 Conference, Bavaria, May 22-25, 2002, pp.280-282
CID-175 |
Sara Ilstedt Hjelm, Semiotics
in product design (Pdf, 1,4 Mb)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0210, CID-rapport, September 2002
CID-174 |
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Benjamin B. Bederson, Stéphane
Conversy, Allison Druin, Björn Eiderbäck, Helen Evans,
Heiko Hansen, Åsa Harvard, Hilary Hutchinson, Loic Lacomme,
Sinna Lindquist, Wendy Mackay, Catherine Plaisant, Nicolas Roussel,
Yngve Sundblad, Bosse Westerlund. interLiving, Co-design
and new technologies with family users (PDF, 17MB). The work done during
the second year. Deliverable 1.2 & 2.2. Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D,
CID, September 2002
CID-173 |
Bosse Westerlund, Form
is Function (Pdf, 2,5Mb)
Published in proceedings for DIS2002, London, June 02 CID
CID-172 |
Sören Lenman, Lars Bretzner, Björn Thuresson,
Computer Vision Based Hand Gesture
Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction (Pdf, 1,81Mb)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0209, CID-rapport, June 2002
CID-171 |
Torbjörn Ilar, Torbjörn Lind och Åke
Walldius Simulering som verktyg i förbättringsarbete
pilotprojekt på Arvika Gjuteri (Pdf, 917kB)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0202, CID-rapport, May 2002
CID-170 |
Yngve Sundblad, Åke Walldius, Torbjörn
Lind, Bengt Sandblad, Jan Gulliksen, Mats Löfberg, Lars Bengtsson,
Martin Ljungström, Torbjörn Ilar, ITQ
- Kvalitetssäkring av IT-stöd för det utvecklande
arbetet Slutrapport. (Pdf, 822kB)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0202, CID-rapport, May 2002
CID-169 |
Åke Walldius, Martin Ljungström & Lars
Bengtsson, Umeverkens IT-brygga - Webbstöd
för överblick och dialog kring arbetsplatsens systemintegration
(Pdf, 1,3Mb) Sammanfattning av intervjuundersökning och prototyputveckling.
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0201, CID-rapport, May 2002
CID-168 |
Marie-Louise Rinman, Forms
of Interaction in Mixed Reality Media Performance A study of the
artistic event DESERT RAIN (Pdf, 2,5Mb)
Licentiate Thesis TRITA-NA-0214, KTH, NADA, CID, May 2002
CID-167 |
Gustav Taxén, Guilds:
Communities in Ultima Online (Pdf, 528kB)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0208, CID-rapport February 2002
CID-166 |
Anders Hedman, Sören Lenman, Carina Persson, Place
Metaphor in Digital Television (Pdf, 1,82Mb)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0207, CID-rapport January 2002
CID-165 |
Anders Hedman, Sören Lenman, Cecilia Heinig.
Digital TV in Distance Learning-Interactions
and Expectations (Pdf, 197kB)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0206, CID-rapport January 2002
CID-164 |
Anders Hedman, Sören Lenman Cecilia Heinig. Studies
of digital television for distance learning-Interactions and expectations
(Pdf, 252kB)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0205, CID-rapport January 2002
CID-163 |
Anders Hedman, (CID), Carina Persson, (Teracom)
Utvþrdering av demonstrator för
Farsarvet (Pdf, 1,86Mb)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0204, CID-rapport, January 2002
CID-162 |
Ambjörn Naeve, The knowledge
manifold an educational arcitecture that supports inquiry-based
customizable forms of e-learning. (Pdf,277kB)
Proceedings, the 2nd European Web-based Learning Environments Conference
(WBLE 2001), Lund, Sweden, October 2001
CID-161 |
Matthias Palmér Ambjörn Naeve Mikael
Nilsson. E-learning in the semantic
age. The 2nd European Web-based Learning, Environments Conference
(WBLE 2001), Lund, Sweden October 2001
CID-160 |
Konrad Tollmar. Towards CSCW Design in the Scandinavian
Doctoral Thesis, NADA transaction TRITA-NA-0131, October 2001
CID-159 |
Ambjörn Naeve. The concept
browser, a new form of knowledge management tool (Pdf,264kB)
Proceedings, the 2nd European Web-based Learning Environments Conference
(WBLE 2001), Lund, Sweden, October 2001
CID-158 |
Claus J. S. Knudsen, Ambj¿rn Naeve, Presence
Production in a Distributed Shared Virtual Environment for Exploring
Mathematics (Pdf,268kB)
Proceedings the 8th International Conference on Advanced Computer
Systems (ACS 2001), Szcecin, Poland. 2001
CID-157 |
Mikael Nilsson, The semantic web:
How RDF will change learning technology standards (Pdf,86kB)
Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards (http://www.cetis.ac.uk/)
Feature Article, September 27, 2001
CID-156 |
Ambjörn Naeve, Mikael Nilsson, Matthias Palmér ,
The Conceptual Web - our research vision.
Proceedings, First Semantic Web Working Symposium, SWWS 2001, Stanford
University. July 2001
CID-155 |
Jää-Aro, Kai-Mikael; Snowdon, Dave, How
not to be objective; Collaborative Virtual Environments (Pdf,249kB)
InCollection, Churchill: CVE, Springer Verlag 2001
CID-154 |
Hoch, Michael; Jää-Aro, Kai-Mikael; Bowers, John Round
Table: A Physical Interface for Virtual Camera Deployment in Electronic
pages;267-276, In Proceedings, IPT:RoundTable May 2001
CID-153 |
Craven, Mike; Taylor, Ian; Drozd, Adam; Purbrick, Jim; Greenhalgh,
Chris; Benford, Steve; Fraser, Mike; Bowers, John; Jþþ-Aro, Kai-Mikael;
Lintermann, Bernd; Hoch, Michael, Exploiting interactivity, influence,
space and time to explore non-linear drama in virtual worlds
Proceedings, ExploitingInteractivity, pages 30-37, CHI: Mars-April
CID-152 |
Gustav Taxén Ambjörn Naeve, CyberMath:
A Shared Virtual Environment for Mathematics Exploration (Pdf,614kB)
Proceedings, the 20:th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance
Education (ICDE-2001), DŸsseldorf, Germany April 2001
CID-151 |
Mikael Nilsson, The Conzilla
Design, The definitive reference (Pdf, 343kB)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0013, CID 2000
CID-150 |
Mats Erixon, Charlie Gullström-Hughes, Sören
Lenman, Minna Rþsþnen, Björn Thuresson, Bo Westerlund och Anders
Wiberg, Kommunikation och samhörighet
på distans (Pdf, 1,09Mb)
CID, Januari 2002
CID-149 |
Emma Borgström, Henrik Artman och Stefan Holmlid,
Bestþllar- och leverantörsinteraktion
i systemutveckling (Pdf, 203kB)
STIMDI, Stockholm, Oktober 2001
CID-148 |
Sören Lenman, Lars Bretzner, Björn Eiderbþck,
Computer Vision Based Recognition of
Hand Gestures for Human-Computer Interaction (Pdf, 236kB) CID
2002 |
CID-147 |
Paulsson, F.,
The Virtual Workspace Environment. VWE for Learning -
Tomorrows learning environment today? (Pdf, 18kB) Presentation at
EU I-cubed conference - September 2000 in Jönköping, Sweden. |
CID-146 |
Angela Boltman, Childrens
Storytelling Technologies: Differences in Elaboration and Recall
(Pdf, 596kB)
Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of Maryland, September 2001
(and CID KidStory result)
Fredrik Winberg,
Auditory Direct Manipulation for Blind Computer Users (Pdf,
Licentiate Thesis TRITA-NA-0137, KTH, NADA, CID, November 2001
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon,
Allison Druin, Åsa Harvard, Sinna Lindquist, Wendy Mackay,
Catherine plaisant, Yngve Sundblad, Bosse Westerlund, Interliving
(PDF, 19MB)
Deliverable 1.1, Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D, CID, November 2001
Lena Lindé, Malin Pettersson,
Anvþndbara sökmotorer
för offentliga verksamheters webbplatser (Pdf.431kB)
CID, Oktober 2001
CID-142 |
Åke Walldius, Patterns of Recollection;
The Documentary Meets Digital Media
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0105, CID, Augusti 2001 Abstract.
Ann Lantz. Distance
meetings in formal groups (Pdf.313kB)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0106, CID, oktober 2001
Bo Westerlund, Sinna Lindquist,
Yngve Sundblad,Cooperative
design of communication support for and with families in Stockholm
- communication maps, communication probes and low-tech prototypes(Pdf.1.84MB)
Paper presented at The1st Equator IRC Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing
in Domestic Environments. CID, September 2001
Susanna Olsson TietoEnator,
Funda Denizhan TietoEnator och Ann Lantz,
Prototyping. (Pdf, 46kB)
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0105, CID, Augusti 2001
Jan Gulliksen and Ann Lantz. Design
versus Design - from the Shaping of Product to the Creation of User
Experiences (Pdf.463kB)
Introductory chapter to the special issue of the International Journal
of Human-Computer Interaction, (special issue), Vol. 14. No., 2002.
Gustav Taxén and
Ambjörn Naeve. A System for Exploring
Open Issues in VR-based Education. (Pdf, 200kB)
To appear in the SIGGRAPH 2001 Conference Abstracts and Application
(Educators Program), August 2001.
CID-136 |
Fredrik Winberg.
Auditory Direct Manipulation for Blind Computer Users: Report on
Work in Progress (Pdf, 678kB)
Accepted for publication at the sixth international symposium on
Signal Processing and its Applications, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia,
August 2001.
CID-135 |
Jan Gulliksen and Clemens Lutsch. Guidelines,
Methods and Processes for Accessibility (Pdf.409kB)
Special Interest Group to Universal Access of Human-Computer Interfaces,
UAHCI 2001, New Orleans, USA, August 2001.
CID-134 |
Jan Gulliksen, Clemens Lutsch and Susan
Harker. Accessibility
Through Standardisation (Pdf.462kB)
In C. Stephanidis (eds.) proceedings of the 1st international conference
on Universal Access of Human-Computer Interfaces, UAHCI 2001, New
Orleans, USA, August 2001.
CID-133 |
Jan Gulliksen and Bengt Sandblad. Work
Environment and Computer Systems Development (Pdf.413kB)
In Proceedings of the HCI International 2001, New Orleans, USA,
August 2001.
CID-132 |
Fredrik Winberg & Sten-Olof Hellström.
Qualitative Aspects
of Auditory Direct Manipulation: A Case Study of the Towers of Hanoi
(Pdf, 485kB)
Accepted for publication at the seventh international conference
on auditory display ICAD 2001, Espoo, Finland, July-August 2001.
CID-131 |
Jan Gulliksen and Bengt Göransson.
Reenginering the
System Development Process for User Centred Design (Pdf.639kB)
Proceedings of INTERACT 2001, IOS Press, Tokyo, Japan, July 2001.
CID-130 |
Fredrik Winberg.
Auditory Direct Manipulation for Blind Computer Users: Making a
Well Established Design Principle Universal (Pdf, 404kB)
Paper presented at the workshop Universal design: Towards universal
access in the information society at CHI2001, Seattle, WA, USA,
April 2001.
CID-129 |
Gustav Taxén and Ambjörn
Naeve. CyberMath: A Shared Virtual
Environment for Mathematics Exploration. (Pdf, 286kB)
Proceedings of the ICDE 20th World Conference on Open Learning and
Distance Education, Düsseldorf, Germany, April 2001.
CID-128 |
John Bowers. Crossing the Line - a
Field Study of Inhabited Television.
BIT, Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.
127-140, March-April 2001.
CID-127 |
Gustav Taxén, Allison Druin,
Carina Fast & Marita Kjellin. KidStory - a Technology Design
Partnership with Children.
BIT, Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.
119-125, March-April 2001.
CID-126 |
Konrad Tollmar, Didier Chincholle,
Britt Klasson, Thomas Stephanson. VideoCafé - Exploring Mediaspaces
in Public Places within Organizations.
BIT, Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.
101-110, March-April 2001.
CID-125 |
Åke Walldius. Shared 3-D Workplace
Exhibitions as Sites for Community Meetings.
BIT, Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.
91-99, March-April 2001.
CID-124 |
Sören Lenman & Yngve Sundblad.
Five Years' Experience from CID - an Interdisciplinary Competence
Centre for Design of Usable IT Applications.
BIT, Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.
81-89, March-April 2001.
CID-123 |
Carl Åborg och Jan Gulliksen.
Arbetsmiljö och IT i ett användarperspektiv (Pdf.459kB)
I Bertil Olsson (Ed.) Användarperspektiv - Människa, Teknik,
Organisation. Utgiven av NUTEK, 2001.
CID-122 |
Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Göransson
and Magnus Lif.
A User Centred Approach to Object Oriented UI Design.(Pdf.707kB)
In Mark van Harmelen (Ed.) Designing Interactive Systems: Object
modelling and User Interface Design. Chapter 8, pp. 283-312. Addison
Esley Longman, 2001.
CID-121 |
Jan Gulliksen, Susan Harker and John
Steger. The ISO
Approach to the Development of Ergonomics Standards for Accessibility.(Pdf.484kB)
In Colette Nicole and Julio Abascal (Eds.) Inclusive design guidelines
for HCI. Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2001.
CID-120 |
Jan Gulliksen, Inger Boivie and Bengt
Design Patterns versus Style Guides - Re-inventing the Wheel?(Pdf.425kB)
IFIP 13.2 Workshop on Patterns in Human Computer Interaction, London,
Storbritannien, November 2000.
CID-119 |
Sara Ilstedt Hjelm & Carolina Browall.
Brainball - Using Brainactivity for Cool Competition.
Short Paper accepted to NordiCHI 2000, Stockholm, Sweden, October
CID-118 |
Jan Gulliksen.
Action Research versus Experimental Methodologies for HCI.(Pdf.409kB)
Proceedings of NordiCHI 2000, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2000.
CID-117 |
Jan Gulliksen, Ann Lantz, Kerstin Severinson
Eklundh and Lars Oestreicher. Design
versus Design - from the Shaping of Product ot the Creation of User
Proceedings of NordiCHI 2000, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2000. |
CID-116 |
Ben Bederson, Angela Boltman, John
Bowers, Sue Cobb, Allison Druin, Carina Fast, Marita Kjellin, Helen
Neale, Claire O'Malley, Danae Stanton. Shared Storytelling Objects
- KidStory Evaluation Report.
Deliverable D3.2 from KidStory, EU Esprit Project 29310, August
CID-115 |
Angela Boltman, Sue Cobb, Joannan Crosier,
Allison Druin, Carina Fast, Marita Kjellin, Helen Neale, Danae Stanton,
Yngve Sundblad, Karl-Petter Åkesson. Shared Storytelling Objects
- Education Environment Intergration Report.
Deliverable D2.2 from KidStory, EU Esprit Project 29310, August
CID-114 |
Torbjörn Lind, Lars Bengtsson,
Bengt Sandblad, Yngve Sundblad & Åke Walldius. Kvalitetssäkrring
av IT-stöd för det utvecklande arbetet - förstudie.
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0012, CID, Januari 2000, 38 sid.
CID-113 |
Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Sandblad, Yngve
Sundblad & Åke Walldius. Kvalitetssäkring av IT-stöd
för det utvecklande arbetet - Tidigare och pågående
forskning inom områden.
Teknisk rapport TRITA-NA-D0011, CID, Januari 2000, 37 sid.
CID-111 |
Fredrik Winberg &
Sten-Olof Hellström.
The Quest for Auditory Direct Manipulation: the Sonified Towers
of Hanoi (Pdf, 427kB)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Disability, Virtual
Reality and Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT 2000), Sardinia, Italy,
September 2000.
Michael Hoch, Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, John Bowers. Round
Table: A Physical Interface for Virtual Camera D
CID-110 |
Ambjörn Naeve. The Work of Ambjörn
Naeve within the Field of Mathematical Education Reform, (PDF, 4.7MB).
TRITA-NA-D0104, CID, March 2001.
CID-109 |
Ambjörn Naeve. Begreppsmodullering
och matematik, (PDF, 168kB).
CID-108 |
Jens Backlund. Web
interfaces and usability, (PDF, 720kB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0102. Master thesis, Royal Institute
of Technology, February, 2001.
Anders Hedman. Visitor
Orientation: Human-Computer Interaction in Digital Places, (PDF,
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0101. Licentiate Dissertation, CID, NADA,
February 2001.
CID-106 |
Olle Bälter & Ann Lantz. A
Case Study Where PD Would Have Helped Or Maybe Not? Abstract. Presented
at PDC'2000, November 28 - December 1, 2000, New York.
CID-105 |
Inger Boivie, Jan Gulliksen, Ann Lantz.
iterativ utveckling och projektstyrning, (PDF, 68kB). Technical
report TRITA-NA-D0010, CID, November 2000.
CID-104 |
Susanne Bødker, Pelle Ehn, Dan Sjögren
& Yngve Sundblad. Co-operative
Design perspectives on 20 years with the Scandinavian
IT Design Model, (PDF, 440kB).
Keynote presentation, Proceedings of NordiCHI 2000, Stockholm, October
CID-103 |
Houman Alborzi, Allison Druin, Jaime Montemayor,
Michele Platner, Jessica Porteous, Lisa Sherman, Angela Boltman,
Gustav Taxén, Jack Best, Joe Hammer, Alex Kruskal, Abby Lal,
Thomas Plaisant Schwenn, Lauren Sumida, Rebecca Wagner, Jim Hendler.
Designing StoryRooms:
Interactive Storytelling Spaces for Children , (PDF, 338kB).
Accepted for publication at Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)
'2000, 17-19 August 2000.
CID-102 |
Ann Lantz, Michael Ortman, Inger Boivie & Jenny
Johansson. Användbarhet
på www, (PDF, 60kB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0008, CID, June 2000.
CID-101 |
Jan Gulliksen. Bringing
in the social perspective: User centred design, (PDF 328kB).
CID, August 2000.
CID-100 |
Jan Gulliksen & Lars Oestreicher. HCI
education in Sweden, (PDF 43kB).
SIGCHI Bulletin, December 1999.
CID-99 |
John Artim, Mark van Harmelen, Keith Butler, Jan
Gulliksen, Austin Henderson, Srdjan Kovacevic, Shijian Lu, Scott
Overmeyer, Ray Reaux, Dave Roberts, Jean-Claude Tarby & Keith Vander
Linden. Incorporating
work, process and task analysis into commercial and industrial object-oriented
systems development, a CHI'98 workshop, (PDF, 48kB).
SIGCHI Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 33-36, October 1998.
CID-98 |
Olle Sundblad & Gustav Taxén.
Supporting Meetings
in Virtual environments, (PDF, 216kB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0007, CID, January 2000.
CID-97 |
Stefan Junestrand, Ulf Keijer & Konrad Tollmar.
Design Patterns for Private and Public Digital Spaces in the Home
Submitted to International Journal of Man-Machine Studies.
CID-96 |
Konrad Tollmar, Stefan Junestrand & Olle Torgny.
Virtually Living Together - Using Multiple-Method Designing in the
Search for Telematic Emotional Communication.
Submitted to DIS'2000.
CID-95 |
Sten-Olof Hellström & John Bowers. Simple
Interfaces to Complex Sound in Improvised Music.
Submitted to CHI 2000.
CID-94 |
Peter Petrov. Stockholmsungdomars
Internetanvþndning, (PDF, 431kB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0008, CID, January 2000.
CID-93 |
Steve Benford, Chris Greenhalgh, Mike Craven, Graham
Walker, Tim Regan, Jason Morphett, John Wyver & John Bowers.
Broadcasting On-Line Social Interaction as Inhabited Television.
In Proceedings of ECSCW99, European Conference in Computer Supported
Cooperative Work, Copenhagen, September 1999. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
CID-92 |
Steve Benford, Ian Taylor, Mike Craven, John Wyver,
Tim Regan, Jason Morphett & John Bowers.
Second Demonstration of Inhabited Television. (Pdf, 1.55MB)
Deliverable D7a.2 from eRENA, EU Esprit Project 25379, September
CID-91 |
Michael Hoch, Detlev Schwabe, Jeffrey Shaw, Heike
Staff, Soraia Raupp Musse, F Garat, Daniel Thalmann, Kai-Mikael
Jää-Aro, Sten-Olof Hellström & John Bowers.
Individual and Group Interaction. (Pdf, 3.89MB)
Deliverable D6.3 from eRENA, EU Esprit Project 25379, September
CID-90 |
Wolfgang Strauss, Monika Fleischmann, R Ernst,
C Liesendahl, R Liesendahl, W Magar, Jasminko Novak, U Suessbrich,
Mette Thomsen, John Bowers & Marie-Louise Rinman.
Linking between Real and Virtual Spaces. (Pdf, 6.8MB)
Deliverable D6.2 from eRENA, EU Esprit Project 25379, September
CID-89 |
John Bowers, Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, Sten-Olof
Hellström, Malin Carlzon, Sabine Hirtes, Michael Hoch,
Bernd Lintermann & Sally Jane Norman. Production
Tools for Electronic Arenas: Event Management and Content Production.
(Pdf, 7.38MB)
Deliverable D4.3/4.4 from eRENA, EU Esprit Project 25379, September
CID-88 |
S Cobb, H Neale, D Stanton, C OÕMalley, Allison
Druin, Angela Boltman, Carina Fast, Yngve Sundblad & Marita
Kjellin. Evaluation
of shared desktop storytelling, (PDF, 2.4MB).
Deliverable D3.1 from KidStory, EU Esprit Project 29310, September
CID-87 |
Yngve Sundblad, Angela Boltman, Allison Druin,
Carina Fast, Marita Kjellin, S Svensson, S Cobb, H Neale &
D Stanton. Education
Environment Integration of Shared Desktop Storytelling, (PDF,
Deliverable D2.1 from KidStory, EU Esprit Project 29310, August
CID-86 |
Kristian Simsarian, Ben Bederson, Pär Hansson,
Jean-Paul Hourcade, Karl-Petter Åkesson, Gustav Taxén,
Allison Druin, V Banyon, Steve Benford, D Stanton & H Neale.
Shared Spatial Desktop
Development, (PDF, 2,94MB).
Deliverable D1.1 from KidStory, EU Esprit Project 29310, August
CID-85 |
Chris Greenhalgh, Steve Benford, Ian
Taylor, John Bowers, Graham Walker & John Wyver. Creating a
Live Broadcast from a Virtual Environment.
In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1999, Los Angeles, USA, August
1999. New York: ACM Press. |
CID-84 |
Steve Benford, Boriana Koleva, Ian Taylor, Chris
Greenhalgh, Sally Jane Norman, K Martin, H Schnþdelbach, John Bowers,
Marie-Louise Rinman, M Adams & J Row-Farr.
Pushing Mixed Reality Boundaries. (Pdf, 4.93MB)
Deliverable D7b.1 from eRENA, EU Esprit Project 25379, February
CID-83 |
John Bowers, Steve Benford, Mike Craven, Chris
Greenhalgh, Jason Morphett, Tim Regan, Graham Walker & John
Wyver. Evaluating
Out Of This World: An Experiment in Inhabited Television. (Pdf,
Deliverable D7a.1 from eRENA, EU Esprit Project 25379, February
CID-82 |
Konrad Tollmar & Stefan Junestrand. Video mediated
communication for domestic environments.
in N. Streitz, S. Konomi, (Eds.), Cooperative Buildings - Integrating
Information, Organization, and Architecture. Proceedings of
CoBuild'99, Pittsburgh, PA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
1670. Springer: Heidelberg, 1999.
CID-81 |
John Bowers, Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, Sten-Olof
Hellström, Michael Hoch, Jeffrey Shaw, Monika Fleischmann,
Tomas Kulessa, Jasminko Novak & Wolfgang Strauss.
Navigation and Devices. (Pdf, 1.22MB)
Deliverable D6.1 from eRENA, EU Esprit Project 25379, May 1998.
CID-80 |
John Bowers, Yngve Sundblad, Sally Jane Norman,
Heike Staff, Detlev Schwabe, Lawrence Wallen & Monika Fleischmann
(eds). Extended
Performances: Evaluation and Comparison. (Pdf, 906kB)
Deliverable D2.3 from eRENA, EU Esprit Project 25379, May 1998.
CID-79 |
John Bowers, Sten-Olof Hellström, Kai-Mikael
Jää-Aro, Jonas Söderberg, Birgitta Nord, Pär
Hansson & Lennart E Fahlén (eds).
Constructing and Manipulating the Virtual: Gesture Transformation,
Soundscaping and Dynamic Environments for Extended Artistic Performance.
(Pdf, 3.92MB)
Deliverable D2.2 from eRENA, EU Esprit Project 25379, May 1998.
CID-78 |
Marc Giron. En
öppen tredimensionell mötesplats för att samla kunskap
och information inom människa-datorinteraktion, (PDF, 1.2MB).
Masters thesis TRITA-NA-D0009, Royal Institute of Technology, August
CID-77 |
John Bowers, Sten-Olof Hellström & Kai-Mikael
Jää-Aro. The Lightwork
Performance: algoritmically mediated interaction for virtual environments.
(Pdf, 403 kB)
In Proceedings Companion of CHI'98, Los Angeles, April 1998, pp.291-292.
CID-76 |
Åke Walldius. Visual diaries:
Revival of a Documentary Form in Digital Culture.
Paper presented at the Technologtiues of the Moving Image Conference,
Stockholm, Sweden, December 1999.
CID-75 |
Fredrik Winberg. Discount
accessibility engineering: Haven't we met before?, (PDF, 17kB).
Paper presented at the workshop Making designers aware of existing
guidlines for accessibility at INTERACT'99, Edinburgh, Great Britain,
September 1999.
CID-74 |
Fredrik Winberg & Sten-Olof Hellström.
Investigating Auditory Direct Manipulation: Sonifying the Towers
of Hanoi (Pdf, 394kB)
Accepted for publication at CHI 2000, 1-6 April 2000.
CID-73 |
Sören Lenman. 3D-,
Digital Environments for Social Contact in Distance Work, (PDF,
In Electronic Proceedings of Webnet'99 World Conference on the WWW
and Internet, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 24-30, 1999.
CID-72 |
Jan Gulliksen, Ann Lantz & Inger Boivie. How
to Make User Centreed Design Usable, Summary of the INTERACT '99
workshop on How to make user centred design usable with all accepted
contributions, (PDF, 334kB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0006, CID, 2000.
CID-71 |
Bengt Göransson & Jan Gulliksen. Anvþndarcentrerad
systemutveckling, version 1.0, (PDF, 3.3MB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0005, CID, 2000.
CID-70 |
Jan Gulliksen, Inger Boivie & Ann Lantz. Temadag
på CID om anvþndarcentreraddesign och prototyping.
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0004, CID, 2000.
CID-69 |
Steve Benford, Benjamin B. Bederson, Karl-Petter
Åkesson, Victor Bayon, Allison Druin, Pþr Hansson, Juan Pablo Hourcade,
Rob Ingram, Helen Neale, Claire O'Malley, Kristian T. Simsarian,
Danae Stanton, Yngve Sundblad & Gustav Taxén. Designing
Storytelling Technologies to Encourage Collaboration Between Young
Children, (PDF, 371kB). English
abstract / Svensk sammanfattning
Proc. CHI'2000, Hague, the Netherlands, April 2000, pp.556-563
CID-68 |
Ann Lantz, Meetings
in a Distributed Group of Experts Comparing Face-to-Face, Chat and
Collaborative Virtual Environments, (PDF, 52kB). Svensk
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0003, CID, January 2000.
CID-67 |
Rod McCall, Anders Hedman, Sören Lenman, Designing
3D Environments for Navigation. Submitted to CHI 2000, Conference
on Human Factors in Computing
CID-66 |
Anders Hedman, Sören Lenman, Accommodation
and Learning in 3D Environments. In Proc. Of WEBNETC 2000, World Conference on the World Wide Web and the Internet, San Antonio, Texas, October 30-Nov 4, 2000, pp. 727-728.
CID-65 |
Anders Hedman, Sören Lenman Orientation
Vs Accommodation-New Requirements for the HCI of Digital Communities,
(PDF, 260kB). In proceedings of HCII '99, The 8th International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Munich, Germany.
CID-64 |
Anders Hedman, Creating
Digital Libraries Together-Collaboration, Multimodality, and Plurality,
(PDF, 250kB). In proceedings of ITiCSE '99, The 4th Annual SIGCSE/SIGCUE
Conference On Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education.
Cracow, Poland.
CID-63 |
Anders Hedman, Sören Lenman. Visons
of Hypermedia Architecture-Beyond Correctness, (PDF, 299kB).
In proceedings of AusWeb '99, The 5th Australian World Wide Web
Conference. Ballina, Australia.
CID-62 |
Anders Hedman, Eva-Maria Jacobsson. The
Universal Simulator, (PDF, 206kB). Technical Demonstration at
Multimedia '98, The 6th ACM International Multimedia Conference,
Bristol, UK.
CID-61 |
Stefan Junestrand, Sören Lenman, Björn
Thuresson, Konrad Tollmar. Private
and Public Spaces - Video Mediated Communication in a Future Home
Environment, (PDF, 579kB).
Video presentation accepted for CHI2000, the Hague, April 2000.
CID 60 |
Gustav Taxén. A
Practician's Guide to DIVE, (PDF, 59kB).
Abstract / Svensk sammanfattning
Technical report TRITA-NA-D0002, CID, January 2000.
CID 59 |
Bo Westerlund. Less
is More - det visuella uttryckets betydelse för lþrmiljöer på webben,
(PDF, 1,6MB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D0001, CID, January 2000.
CID-58 |
Sören Lenman - CID, Eva-Lotta
Sallnþs - Telia Research, Bengt Serenius - Telia Research, Olle
Sundblad - CID, Tomas Uhlin - Telia Research, Eva-Marie Wadman -
CID, Ulf Winroth - Telia Research. Formella
VR-möten , (PDF, 283kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9914, CID,
November 1999.
CID-57 |
Lisa Wiberg. wwwFör
kvinnor och män?, (PDF, 900kB). Masters thesis TRITA-NA-D9913,
Royal Institute of Technology, October 1999.
CID-56 |
Henrry Rodr’guez. The
Domain Help System (DHS) , (PDF, 1.4MB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9912,
CID, November 1999.
CID-55 |
Björn Thuresson. Digital
Storytelling in a Shared, Distributed 3D-Environment, (PDF,
408kB). In Paper presented at the Interactive Frictions conference
at USC, June 4-6 1999.
CID-54 |
Björn Thuresson. Space
and Character Representation In Interactive Narratives , (PDF,
31kB). In Paper presented at the Technologies of the Moving Image
conference at The Department of Cinema Studies , December 6-9
CID-53 |
Mikael Nilsson & Matthias Palmér. Conzilla Ð Towards
a Concept Browser. Technical report TRITA-NA-D9911, CID, August
CID-52 |
Ambjörn Naeve.
Conceptual Navigation and Multiple Scale Narration in a Knowledge
Manifold, (PDF, 200kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9910, CID,
CID-51 |
Eva-Maria Jacobsson. A
Female Gaze?, (PDF, 97kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9909,
CID, 1999.
CID-50 |
Mats B. Andersson. Lþrdomþner
- om utbildning vid behov , (PDF, 135kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9908,
CID, June 1999.
CID-49 |
Ambjörn Naeve. IT-baserade
matematikverkyg - några tidigare och några pågående KTH-projekt,
(PDF, 218kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9907, CID, June 1999.
CID-48 |
Eva-Maria Jacobsson. 'Mannens
respektive Kvinnans Internet' , (PDF, 276kB). Technical report
TRITA-NA-D9906, CID, April 1999.
CID-47 |
Konrad Tollmar, Didier Chincholle, Britt Klasson
& Thomas Stephanson.
VideoCafé - Virtual Espresso-Cafés and Semi-Located Communities
, (PDF, 96kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9905, CID, May 1998.
CID-46 |
Konrad Tollmar & Stefan Junestrand. The Dwelling
as a Place for Work.
in N. Streitz, S. Konomi, H. Burkhardt (Eds.), "Cooperative Buildings
- Integrating Information, Organization, and Architecture". Proceedings
of CoBuild'98, Darmstadt, Germany. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 1370. Springer: Heidelberg, 1988.
CID-45 |
Cristian Bogdan and Olle Sundblad. A
Cue-based, Integrated System for Supporting Social Awareness
, (PDF, 46kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9904, CID, September 1998.
CID-44 |
Jon Person. Designing
a sensor toolbox for reactive environments and smart objects
, (PDF, 143kB). Masters thesis TRITA-NA-D9903, Royal Institute of
Technology, March 1998. |
CID-43 |
Minna Rþsþnen. IT
- herre eller slav? En anvþndarstudie om IT hemma, Magisteruppsats
i socialantropologi , (PDF, 89kB).Masters thesis TRITA-NA-D9902,
Stockholms Universitet, September 1998. |
CID-42 |
Fredrik Winberg. Usor:
A Web Based Collection of User Oriented Methods , (PDF, 2MB).
In R. Chatfield, S. Kuhn, M. Muller (editor), Proceedings of
Participatory Design Conference, PDC 98 , CPSR, Seattle, WA
USA, November 1998. |
CID-41 |
Martin Jonsson Återkoppling
med gester och ansiktsuttryck i virtuella mötesmiljöer
, (PDF, 1,9MB). Masters thesis TRITA-NA-D9901, Royal Institute of
Technology, February 1999. |
CID-40 |
Jan Gulliksen, Ann Lantz and Inger Boivie. User
Centered Design in Practice -- Problems and Possibilities, (PDF,
243kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9813, CID, January 1999. |
CID-39 |
Anders Hedman. New
Institutionalism on the Internet, (PDF, 125kB). Technical report
TRITA-NA-D9812, CID, March 1999. |
CID-38 |
Inger Boivie, Jan Gulliksen & Ann Lantz. Temadag
på CID -- Användarcentrerad systemutveckling och kravhantering,
(PDF, 174kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9811, CID, December 1998. |
CID-37 |
Åke Walldius. Visual
diaries in networked communities n Design patterns and the concept
of genre as tools for media analysis, (PDF, 437kB). Technical
report TRITA-NA-D9810, CID, October 1998. |
CID-36 |
Eva-Maria Jacobsson. Does
the Fruit of Technology Benefit Women?, (PDF, 150kB). Technical
report TRITA-NA-D9809, CID, November 1998. |
CID-35 |
Olle Torgny. Future
Home Environments and Media Forms, (PDF, 944 kB). Technical
report TRITA-NA-D9808, CID, November 1998. |
CID-34 |
Karl Hjalmarsson. Dokumentdatabaser
som stöd för lärare - en prototyp till en rikstäckande,
distribuerad dokumentbas för skolbruk, (PDF, 468kB). Masters
thesis TRITA-NA-D9807, Royal Institute of Technology, September
1998. |
CID-33 |
Björn Thuresson. Elements
of Narration in a Digital Environment, (PDF, 93kB). Technical
report TRITA-NA-D9806, CID, September 1998. |
CID-32 |
Jan Gulliksen, Ann Lantz, Inger Boivie & Fredrik
Winberg. Case studies
of User Orientation in Working Life, (PDF, 49kB). Technical
report TRITA-NA-D9805, CID, May 1998. |
CID-31 |
Bo Schenkman, Tadahiko Fukuda and
Bo Persson. Two kinds of glare, scales and eye movements. Technical
report TRITA-NA-D9804, CID, March 1998. |
CID-30 |
Nils-Erik Gustafsson, Kerstin Severinsson-Eklundh
& Henrry Rodriguez. Domänhjälp,
(HTML). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9803, CID, February 1998. |
CID-29 |
Johanna Ullman, Michael Ortman, Sören Lenman
& Olle Torgny. CID97
-- Riktlinjer för utformning av webbplatser, (PDF, 550kB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D9802, CID, November 1998. |
CID-28 |
Jan Gulliksen & Ann Lantz. Temadag
på CID om användarcentrering i praktiken, (PDF, 302kB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D9801, CID, January 1998. |
CID-27 |
Ann Lantz. Användarcentrerad
systemutveckling i nyskapa(n)de projekt vid CID - Rapport från
ett projektseminarium den 10 december 1996, (PDF, 134kB). Technical
report TRITA-NA-D9716, CID, December 1997. |
CID-26 |
Olle Torgny. Framtida
hemmiljöer och mediaformer, (PDF, 891kB). Technical report
TRITA-NA-D9715, CID, December 1997. |
CID-25 |
Åke Walldius. Visualisering
av miljöekonomiska förlopp. En förstudie om verktyg
för visualisering i TCO:s miljömärkning, (PDF,
4,2MB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9714, CID, November 1997. |
CID-24 |
Peter Petrov. En
kritisk granskning av undersökningar om Internetanvändare,
(PDF, 706kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9713, CID, November 1997.
CID-23 |
Stefan Eriksson. Personal
TV Program Schedules: an Introduction to Usability and Experiments
with Neural Networks as a Proposed Solution, (PDF, 195kB). Technical
report TRITA-NA-D9712, NADA, November 1997. |
CID-22 |
Bo Schenkman & Tadahiko Fukuda. Aesthetics,
Web pages and eye movements, (Abstract / HTML). Technical report
TRITA-NA-D9711, CID, November 1997. |
CID-21 |
Bo Schenkman & Lars Kjelldahl. User preferences
for the color temperature of a color screen. Displays, vol 20, no 2, August 1999, pp.73-81,
ISSN 0141-9382
CID-20 |
Yngve Sundblad & Olle Sundblad.
Olga - a multimodal
Interactive Information Assistant, (PDF, 117kB). In proceedings
to CHI'98 (with video), April 1998. |
CID-19 |
Ovidiu Sandor, Cristian Bogdan & John Bowers.
Aether: An Awareness Engine for CSCW. In Proceedings of ECSCW'97,
1997. |
CID-18 |
Rikard Linde, Ambjörn Naeve ,
Katarina Skantz , Bo Westerlund , Fredrik Winberg, Kristina Åsvärn
& Kenneth Olausson. Kunskapens
Trädgård, (PDF, 807kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9709,
CID, August 1997. |
CID-17 |
Ambjörn Naeve.The
Knowledge Manifold, A Concepual Framwork for Computer Supported
Education, (PDF, 2MB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9708, CID,
September 1997. |
CID-16 |
Louise Wallenberg. Multimedia
i filmundervisningen - en utvärderande rapport, (PDF, 258kB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D9707, CID, May 1997. |
CID-15 |
Olle Torgny & Ann Lantz. /ver
gränserna - en seminarieserie på CID, (PDF, 44kB).
Technical report TRITA-NA-D9706, CID, May 1997. |
CID-14 |
John Juliusson. SGML-märkning
av medeltida jordeboksmaterial, (PDF, 379kB). MasterYens thesis
TRITA-NA-D9705, Nada, May 1997. |
CID-13 |
Björn Thuresson. MultiMedia
& Filmundervisning - Rapport om ett forskningsprojekt, (PDF,
1.1MB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9704, CID, May 1997. |
CID-12 |
Olle Torgny. Metaphor
- a Working Concept, (PDF, 52kB). In Proceedings of EAD conference
Contextual Design - Design in Contexts, Stockholm, April 1997. |
CID-11 |
Fredrik Winberg. Användar
- eller systemstyrning? En studie av menyer i ett interaktivt tv-system,
(PDF, 799kB). MasterYens thesis TRITA-NA-D9703, Royal Institute
of Technology, March 1997. |
CID-10 |
Bo Schenkman, Sture Eriksson & Bo Persson.
och bildskärmsteknologi (Abstract, HTML). Technical report
TRITA-NA-D9701, CID, January 1997. |
CID-9 |
John Bowers. Collaborative
Virtual Environments: Grounding Development and Evaluation in Social
Scientific Analysis, (PDF, 209kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9702,
CID, February 1997. |
CID-8 |
Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro &Lars Kjelldahl.
of Image Resolution on Depth Perception in Stereo and Non-stereo
Images, In Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VIII,
volume 3012, SPIE, February 1997. |
CID-7 |
Bo Schenkman. Rapport
frAn Arsmötet 1996 för Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,
(PDF, 168kB). Arbete, människa, miljö, no. 4, August
1996. |
CID-6 |
Sören Lenman, Henry See , Michael Century
& Bruce Pennycook. Merz
- Creating personal and Shared Spaces on the World Wide Web,
(PDF, 361kB). In H.Maurer (editor), Proceedings of WebNet 96
- World Conference of the Web Society, pages 292-297, AACE,
San Francisco, October 1996. |
CID-5 |
Michael Ortman. Att
få faktainformation läst på World Wide Web med
hjälp av god typografi - en studie av två sätt att
presentera ett material, (PDF, 649kB). B.A. thesis TRITA-NA-D9603,
Mälardalens Högskola, November 1996. |
CID-4 |
Tomas Soltesz. Informella
möten i mediarum, (PDF, 269kB). B.A. thesis TRITA-NA-D9602,
Stockholms Univeritet, June 1996 |
CID-3 |
Kristina Höök. Evaluating
the Utility and Usability of an Adaptive Hypermedia System,
(PDF, 115kB). Technical report TRITA-NA-D9601, CID, June 1996. |
CID-2 |
Britt (Jönsson) Klasson, Anna Schömer
& Konrad Tollmar. The Freedom to Work from an Arbitrary Position.
Interactive Poster. In Proceedings of CHI'96, April 1996.
CID-1 |
Donald Broady & Hasse Haitto. Internet
and the Humanities - the promises of Integrated Open Hypermedia,
(PDF, 402kB) Only published on the Web, URL - http://www.child.org.
In Proceedings of Contemporary computer and network technologies,
Children's Computer Club, Moscow, January 1996. |