Tuesday, May 24 |
9.00 |
The Users’ IT Prize presentation of nominees and winners, in Swedish |
11.30 |
Lunch (free for all attending!) |
13.00 |
Workshop opened by co-chairs Yngve Sundblad and Åke Walldius |
13.15 |
Customer Satisfaction as a Driver of Shareholder Value and a Requirement for IT Systems,
Claes Fornell, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
14.00 |
Paper presentations with discussions: Certification instruments
UsersAward – first Results of a Pilot Study in Germany
- Jochen Prümper, Thomas Vöhringer-Kuhnt & Jörn Hurtienne
Certification of the User-Centredness of Development Organisation - Timo Jokela
15.00 |
Coffee break |
15.20 |
Software is Orgware – A Semiotic Perspective on Computer Artifacts,
Peter Brödner, Institute for Work and Technology, Gelsenkirchen |
16.05 |
Paper presentation with discussion: International perspective
Profitability and ICT literacy – Japanese experiences,
Takehiro Eto, Japan Productivity Center for Socio-Economic Development, Tokyo
16.35 |
End of day 1 |
18.00 |
Departure from Stadshusbron with MS Carl Philip for Workshop Dinner |
Wednesday, May 25 |
9.45 |
Paper presentations with discussions: Education and Health issues
How to Teach User-Driven IT Design to Computer Science Students? - Karl-Heinz Rödiger
Health Hazards and Costs Due to Deficiencies in IT Quality - Bengt Sandblad
10.35 |
Coffee break |
10.50 |
Paper presentations with discussions: Certifying user participation in development and deployment
From IT Design to Workpractice Construction - Lars Taxén
Approaches for inclusion of usability and accessibility in ICT procurements - Clas Thorén
Buying Usable – the User Centred Procurement Process
- Magnus Lif, Bengt Göransson & Torsten Sandbäck
12.05 |
Lunch |
13.30 |
Informing Public Deliberation about Urban Futures:
Value Sensitive Design of User Interaction with a Large Scale Urban Simulation,
Alan Borning, Washington State University, Seattle |
14.15 |
Paper presentations with discussions: Development aspects of Deployment
Ergonomic Customizing of SAP-Software: Results from two Studies
- Stefanie Floegel, Reinhard Linz & Jochen Prümper
Users? What users? - shaping global corporations and generic users with ERP - Christian Koch
15.05 |
Coffee break |
15.20 |
Conclusions from the workshop in the light of the UsersAward and other research experiences, summary discussion led by Yngve Sundblad and Åke Walldius |
16.00 |
End of workshop |