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Read and learn

CID'97 – Riktlinjer för utformning av webbplatser

En sammanställning över riktlinjer baserade på vad man inom
forskningen kommit fram till om människans förutsättningar att
kunna hantera information i ett medium som webben, samt våra egna
studier och erfarenheter på området.

Border Crossing – Nonfiction films on the Web

A list of links to nonfiction films on the Web. The goal is to give a glimpse of some of the existing techniques on the Web that may become useful for documentary film projects. A secondary goal is to propose a constructive question that can guide the search for other relevant techniques and help structure the findings.

USOR – A Collection of User Oriented Methods

This Web site contains descriptions of different user oriented
methods. These descriptions are not meant to be exhaustive
descriptions that you could use right after you have visited this
web site. They are rather short summaries with references to
more thorough descriptions of these methods.

The purpose of this Web site is to encourage the usage of user
oriented methods in both industry and research projects. We
also offer a place for discussing these methods, namely the Usor

VRML tutorial

En sammanställning och introduktion med exempel till VRML, Virtual Reality Modelling Language. Avser version 2.0.


Last update April 4, 2002

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